Non-Definition of the Word ‘God’ in atheism

Non-Definition of the Word ‘God’ in atheism

Atheism, from the Greek word atheos (without God), is an attitude that denies or disbelieves in God’s existence; accordingly, no intelligent creator, no divine lawgiver, no ultimate judge of humanity’s actions, and nothing above or beyond this closed, natural, physical world exists. The universe, and all its creatures and wonders, arose randomly out of matter. It did not need a creator. Atheism offers no definition or meaning of the word ‘God.’ In the rejection of God as real, this is regarded as the job of the believers.

Atheism views anything supernatural or transcendent as inaccessible to the human mind, and therefore unknowable, unprovable, and ultimately impossible. It believes only in empirical facts and science.

Atheism demands that all issues be completely contained within the scope of human perception and reason, in ways that can be seen, tested, and measured. It dismisses as fictitious anything beyond the limits of human experience or the material world.

Generally, atheists look upon the idea of God as a product of human weakness, a moral crutch, an ancient myth, or a fantasy figure concocted by primitive minds to function as a comfort factor, a mass-controlling tool, or an attempt to explain the workings of nature. They regard God as unnecessary or something that does not have any power over them and cannot affect their lives in any way.

Neither on the basis of logic nor science can atheism prove with certainty its main claim, the non-existence of God. Still, it places the burden of the proof on those who make the positive assertion that God exists. Atheist positions fall into two broad categories: one category lacks compelling evidence, and the other finds the evidence illogical or contrary to God’s existence and eventually assumes that nothing worthy of the title ‘God’ exists.