The book of Allah is calling, so who will take initiative to bear the message?
Who will say I am ready O Messenger of Allah
The book of Allah is calling and this nation is crying out? so who will take initiative to bear the message?
Who will be at the forefront of the ambassadors of the Lord, who carry the messages of this religion, to the masses of wandering and hesitant here and there? .. Who opens his chest to the light of the Quran, so that he strikes yearning to know Allah and getting close to him? perhaps you get the honor of serving in the ranks of the Quranic Relief, and rescue millions of the drowning in swamps of lusts and suspicions?
Who stretches his hand without trembling to the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alihi wa sallam, and gives him the pledge to take the book strongly?
Who will hold the live coals of this great Prophetic legacy: the messages of the Quran? Who will say: "I am ready, O Messenger of Allah!" so that he fulfills the covenant?
([ Allah praises] those who convey the messages of Allah and fear Him and do not fear anyone but Allah . And sufficient is Allah as Accountant.)
Quran(33: 39).
A true slave who devotes his life for the religion of Allah, he receives the words of Allah and conveys his messages.
Perhaps he attains the alliance of Allah and then Allah opens the hearts for him.
(Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.)
Quran (65:3)