Q 29: What is the meaning of testifying that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?

Q 29: What is the meaning of testifying that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?

Q 29: What is the meaning of testifying that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah? 

A ---It means: to have pure absolute belief in one's deepest heart together with the utterance of the tongue that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger to all creatures, men and jinn: 

{Verily, We have sent you as witness, and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. And as one who invites to Allah by His Leave, and as a lamp spreading light}.

(Al-Ahzab, 45,46)

So, one must believe in all what the Prophet narrated about ancient and forthcoming generations, and believe in all that he declared lawful or unlawful, show submission and obedience to all his ordainments and prohibitions, follow his Shari' ah and stick to his Sunnah (way of life), openly and when alone, with complete satisfaction and submission. One should know that to obey him (Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) is to obey Allah the Almighty and to disobey him, is to disobey Allah as well, as he is the Messenger sent by Him to convey Allah's Message. The Almighty only caused the Prophet's death after He (Allah) had perfected His religion (Islam) through him. Moreover, one should know that he (Peace be upon him) delivered the Message as perfectly as it should have been, and that he left his Ummah (community) with the clear message (of Islam); whosoever deviates from it is nothing but a loser. This topic will be dealt with later, Allah willing.