Live with the Quran
The one who does not go through the rank of Ikhlas ( sincerity), does not strive to protect its fortification and does not consider the oneness of Allah in every situation out of fearing him as well as hoping in his mercy, is not really the one who memorized Surah Al-Ikhals.
The one who does not taste the sweetness of faith upon entering the shield of Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas did not really memorize these Surahs. Moreover, the one who does not long for the night prayer is not of the people who really memorized Surah Al-Muzammil.
The one whose heart is not burnt with the live coal of calling to Allah and warning of his punishment, ordering what is good and forbidding what wrong is not considered among those who realized the meanings of Surah Al-Muddathir.
The one who memorized Surah Al-Baqarah by heart, if he did not submit himself to Allah in all the aspects of his life so that he applies all the pillars of Islam and the tenets of faith, striving for the sake of Allah, remaining patient in poverty and hardship as well as during battlefield, refraining from the prohibited foods and drinks… etc, applying the Sharia rulings in his religion, in himself and in his properties, fulfilling the meaning of obedience to Allah whatever the case without hesitation or retraction, he did not really memorize Surah Al-Baqarah.
The one who really memorized the Quran is he who fulfills its trust, apprehends its wisdoms, acts according to its requirements and endures the related rights of Allah