Congratulations to he who hold its rope, attached his heart with it current, provided himself from its secrets, and then walked on the ground in the safety of its lights!
This is the Quran! It is like that gemstone, or a great star that has fallen to the ground! His precious metal was still burning in the hands of everyone who rubbed it with his heart, and strived with his soul to apply its morals So that its light rises high in the sky indicating its noble source and origin.
There is its top pointing, from the great lightning, to the right path ..! Congratulations to he who hold its rope, attached his heart with it current, provided himself from its secrets, and then walked on the ground in the safety of its lights!
This is the Quran, this is the revelation which reaches the reader and fills the sky.. From the first word to read the reader finds that he looks to the present world from the balconies of the world of the unseen! Clear Quranic visions and observations.
Perspectives and views of no deception.
No myths or lies! But only the light of the Criterion! Allah the Exalted said(what means):
There has come to you enlightenment from your Lord. So whoever will see does so for [the benefit of] his soul, and whoever is blind [does harm] against it. And [say],
"I am not a guardian over you."
Quran (6:104)