The lack of walkers on the road should not discourage the truthful ones

The lack of walkers on the road should not discourage the truthful ones

The lack of walkers on the road should not discourage the truthful ones, nor hold the believers from engaging in carrying and conveying the messages of the #Quran.

Yet, the fewness of the walkers may be an evidence that stands for the soundness of the approach as The Almighty said: what means 

(And a few of the later peoples)

 Quran (56:14)

- The Almighty said the about Noah, peace and blessings be upon him, what means 

( But none had believed with him, except a few.)

(Quran 11:40)

- the Almighty said about Moses peace and blessings be upon him: 

(what means):(But no one believed Moses, except [some] youths among his people, for fear of Pharaoh and his establishment that they would persecute them. And indeed, Pharaoh was haughty within the land, and indeed, he was of the transgressors)

Quran (10:83)

The prophets - before this nation- may not have but follow one, two or three followers. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, narrated that: the Prophet, salla Allahu alihi wa sallam, once came out to us and said, "Some nations were displayed before me. A prophet would pass in front of me with one man, and another with two men, and another with a group of people. and another with nobody with him. Compiled by Muslim. 

In the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "The Prophet, salla Allahu alihi wa sallam, said last night the Prophets with their nations were displayed before me, so a Prophet may pass along with the three, a Prophet may pass along with a group, a Prophet a Prophet may pass along with few people and a Prophet may pass along with no one. compiled by Ahmed, Al-Hakim who classed it as Sahih, Ibn Hibban, At-Tabarany in Al-Kabeer and classed as Sahih by Shu'ayb Al-Arna'ut in Tahkeek Al-Musnad, and al-Albani in Isra and Mi`raj).

That was the case in the beginning of the call of Muhammad, salla Allahu alihi wa sallam, and then he became the most followed one among the prophets.