Love of the fruit of knowledge
Hence the knowledge of Lordship brings on the love of Allah, that is to worship Him. Therefore, the educational guidance of the prophet has been given to the nation which loves its Lord to remember him so as to worship him. The Prophet, salla Allahu alihi wa sallam, said: "Whoever said:" I am pleased with Allah as my, Lord, with Islam is my eligion and with Muhammad is a prophet the Paradise is due for him. " compiled by Abu Dawood. In this context, the Prophet, salla Allahu alihi wa sallam, mentioned a story that one of the slaves of Allah said: "O Lord, praise be to you as it should be to your majesty and greatness of your power."
The two Angels did not know how to write them. (...) Allah said (interpretation of the meaning): "Write it, as my servant said, until he meets me so I reward him for it" (compiled by Imam Ahmad).
The reason behind the difficulty, the Angels found, is because this servant has given absolute praise to Allah and none of the creatures of Allah can enumerate the attributes of Allah " as it should be to your majesty and greatness of your power" because it is related to the divine attributes of beauty and majesty. The knowledge of this is the impossible, so the two Angels returned to Allah to find a solution to that problematic issue. It is the greatness of Lordship that entails the submission to Allah the One, the Most High.