The reality of polytheism and its roots in the heart

The reality of polytheism and its roots in the heart

The testimony that there is no god worthy of worship but #Allah is signing a contract and a commitment to ensure the love of Allah alone as in the Hadith: 

"No one truly believes until his inclination is subjected to what I have sent with"

(Fath al-Bari, 13/289)

He, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, was sent with "Islam". You already know that this phrase includes all the meanings of submission to the Supreme Lord. Such a subjugation that empties the heart of everything other than Allah. It is a very deep emotional matter. Therefore it was difficult for the infidels Quraish to say that word "there is no god worthy of worship but Allah" it was not strange because they realized by their sense of fluent language that this word subjugates their feelings, before it subjugates their actions.
Which they did not accept, as the "polytheism" has covered their hearts, they could not get rid of it. the truth of the "polytheism" is but the whims that dwelt in their hearts so that they were not free to the Lord, the Supreme King.

The polytheism in this sense is the meaning of the heart just like monotheism because both of them are feelings that happens in the heart.
Even though they are contradictory, such as the contradiction of love and hatred.
It was illogic to wage battles, between the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, and the Arabs for the stones that are idols that were worshiped other than Allah.
But the fact of the battle was about what these stones symbolize, of the passions still in the hearts of their worshipers.
The resistance of the Arabs against the Islamic call all that period, until the year of conquest, was not out of loving the idols themselves, but rather out of loving what the idols symbolize:
the desires that are instilled in their names in the names of the idols in the hearts of the polytheists.

They were a set of passions, which were the real gods they worship other than Allah; be they love of glory, love of sovereignty, love of money, love of authority over the poor and slaves in the name of the gods, or say in the name of rigid rocks.

Those passions are their real gods they worshiped other than Allah. The stones were only an embodiment of them in the physical world 

(Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire) 

Quran (45: 23)