The Quran is your source of strength
Read the continuation of the story and reflect
(They said, "O Moses, either you throw or we will be the first to throw." He said, "Rather, you throw." And suddenly their ropes and staffs seemed to him from their magic that they were moving [like snakes]. And he sensed within himself apprehension, did Moses. Allah said, "Fear not. Indeed, it is you who are superior. And throw what is in your right hand; it will swallow up what they have crafted. What they have crafted is but the trick of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he is."
Quran (20 : 65-69).
The Quran that is in your hands is stronger than the stick of Moses! Do not be afraid of what they are throwing of today`s cultural, media and political obstacles Beware of Beware! But say to them: (but threw) .. Receive the words of Allah strongly, I mean the his saying (that means): " Allah said, "Fear not. Indeed, it is you who are superior."
Convey it strongly just as you received it strongly (And throw what is in your right hand; it will swallow up what they have crafted. What they have crafted is but the trick of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he is.")
The words of the Quran do miracles when receive properly.
If they are conveyed strongly they can remove unshakable mountains from the fortifications of falsehood and castles of arrogance.
So Allah said to His Messenger Muhammad bin Abdullah, salla Allahu alihi wa sallam, (what means):
" And indeed, [O Muhammad], you receive the Qur'an from one Wise and Knowing."
Quran (27: 6).
And then ordered him to strive the disbelievers with the Quran (he said what means):
"So do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with the Qur'an a great striving."
Quran (25: 52).
Striving against the disbelievers in the present time includes confronting the cultural invasion and the media misinformation by the principles and facts of the Quran.